NAC International Showcases Capabilities as Supplier for SMR and AR Developers

As small modular reactor (SMR) and advanced reactor (AR) developers look to build out their supply chains, NAC International (NAC) offers these companies a wide range of products and services for the full range of their nuclear energy facilities.
Through its offerings, NAC is helping SMR and AR developers realize the vision of nuclear energy’s next generation. A leading provider of nuclear fuel cycle solutions, NAC can:
Manufacture SMR/AR components and fuel storage/transport containers.
Transport fresh and spent nuclear fuel, components and waste. Licensed to transport high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel.
Manage spent nuclear fuel or waste, including handling, packaging, disposal, and interim storage.
Provide consulting expertise. This includes nuclear material accountability systems and training.
Collectively, NAC and its affiliates can make many types of SMR and AR components. NAC subsidiary Niagara Energy Products, Inc. (NEP) manufactures reactor components and waste containers. Meanwhile, NAC’s parent company, Hitachi Zosen, fabricates nuclear components at its Ariake Works facility in Japan.
“As the fabricator of over 4,500 large, heavy, spent fuel and nuclear waste containers and the manufacturer of over 1,000 primary pressure boundary components requiring precision machining, testing, assembly, and inspection, NEP can provide full service or build to print support for AR and SMR buildout,” said NAC International Vice President Juan Subiry.
When it comes to transportation, NAC is leading the pack with solutions for transporting components, fuel, and waste. NAC has already successfully completed more than 3,800 shipments of nuclear fuel and materials worldwide. NAC subsidiary NAC LPT, LLC specializes in logistics, packaging and transportation and can move SMR components from fabrication to the site.
“Our OPTIMUS®-L system is the first highcapacity cask to be licensed by the NRC to transport HALEU TRISO fuel. This is just the latest achievement in our 30 years’ experience successfully transporting nuclear materials in our fleet of casks,” said Michael McMahon, Vice President of Transportation and Strategic Projects. NAC is also an industry leader in solutions for managing waste from nuclear operations, having designed, licensed, and delivered more than 650 transportable storage systems for managing spent nuclear fuel and other types of waste worldwide.
NAC is a partner on a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility under development in Texas. This facility, if completed, would use NAC’s dry cask storage technology. In addition, NAC is partnering with Deep Isolation on development of an innovative deep borehole approach for disposal of nuclear waste.
For more than a half century, NAC has provided specialized market insights about the nuclear fuel cycle. NAC’s team of consultants has combined industry experience of more than 1,000 years. The company offers its proprietary software for Nuclear Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) called NAC Reporter®. NAC also provides unbiased support for competitive procurement strategies.
Contact NAC International to learn more about how we can help realize the vision for the next generation of nuclear energy.