G7 pledges support for nuclear at Italy meeting

May 8, 2024, 3:00PMNuclear News

The Group of Seven (G7) recommitted its support for nuclear energy in the countries that opt to use it at a Ministerial Meeting on Climate in Italy last month.

In a statement following the April meeting, the group committed to support multilateral efforts to strengthen the resilience of nuclear supply chains, referencing the goal set by 25 countries during last year’s COP28 climate conference in Dubai to triple global nuclear generating capacity by 2050.

The G7 is an informal forum that includes Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union also participates in the group and is represented at the summits by the presidents of the European Council and the European Commission.

Quotable: “Those countries that opt to use nuclear energy or support its use recognize its potential as a clean zero-emissions energy source that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels to address the climate crises and improve global energy security,” the G7 communication states.

“These countries recognize nuclear energy as a source of baseload power, providing grid stability and flexibility and optimizing use of grid capacity.”

Alternatives to Russian supply: Further, the group pledged support for countries looking to diversify their supply chains away from Russian fuel, as well as replacement parts and operating assistance for countries operating Russian designed reactors.

“We condemn Russia’s seizure, continued control, and militarization of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which poses severe risks for nuclear safety and security, with implications for the broader international community,” the G7 said in a statement following the meeting.

“We underscore the importance for all countries and their respective people of upholding the highest standards of safety, security, and safeguards and nonproliferation, particularly as more countries adopt nuclear power as part of their mix.”

New technology: The ministers at the meeting also voiced support for advanced and small modular reactor development to bring additional benefits, such as improved safety and sustainability, reduced cost of production and project risk, and improved waste management.

Background: Ahead of the G7 meeting, nuclear advocates called on the group to strongly support nuclear expansion.

“Today, G7 countries host more than half of the world’s existing nuclear capacity as well as the most promising advanced nuclear technologies. G7 countries have operational experience, fuel cycle capabilities, regulatory capacity, and financing ability that can support countries who are deploying nuclear power for the first time do so safely, securely, and in a responsible manner to meet their climate and energy security goals,” the advocates said in their letter.

“Nuclear energy holds immense promise for the world, and the G7 should embrace nuclear deployment as a strategic priority in the years to come.”

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