NNSA awards counter–nuclear smuggling contracts

March 14, 2024, 1:13PMNuclear News

Contracts valued up to a combined $1 billion have been awarded by the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence to SeaTech Global Security Solutions of Richland, Wash., and Parsons Government Services International Inc. of Pasadena, Calif.

The work: Through the NNSA’s Counter Nuclear Smuggling System Deployment program, SeaTech and Parsons will globally deploy advanced counter–nuclear smuggling systems. The initiative is crucial to enhancing the capabilities of agencies in partner countries to detect, disrupt, and investigate the illicit trafficking of radioactive and nuclear materials, according to the NNSA.

 Both companies have proven expertise in the field and in developing innovative approaches to security solutions, the NNSA noted. The awarding of the contracts followed a selection process, with SeaTech and Parsons “demonstrating their capability to manage and oversee complex logistics, system design, construction, equipment procurement, testing, and the establishment of comprehensive communications networks,” the NNSA said in a March 14 announcement.

Noted: The NNSA’s Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence helps lead international efforts to counter nuclear smuggling and terrorism.

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