The new ANS Fellows are:

Luiz C. Leal, for his outstanding leadership in the development of neutron resonance parameters and associated cross sections and data uncertainties, including the definitive resonance evaluation for uranium-235, as well as new data for the uranium-233/thorium cycle and other important materials. The results have significantly improved neutronics analyses for both reactor and fuel cycle safety applications.

Piero Ravetto, for his original and seminal development of the second-order (A-N) form of the neutron transport equation leading to a new class of efficient and practical methods for reactor physics calculations; and for his seminal and significant contributions to space-time kinetics with applications spanning from current reactors to innovative nuclear systems for power production and actinide transmutation.

Lance L. Snead, for being the leading international expert on radiation effects in silicon carbide and other ceramic composites for fusion and advanced fission reactors. His ground-breaking research includes development of a new class of radiation-tolerant ceramic composites resulting in significant advances in fundamental understanding of radiation-induced microstructural evolution in structural materials.
The honored membership grade of ANS Fellow is awarded to Society members for outstanding accomplishment in any one of the areas of nuclear science and engineering. The three new ANS Fellows will be listed with their peers on the ANS Web site.