DOE land may be available for energy development projects

July 26, 2023, 7:01AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The Department of Energy is holding an initial Industry Day on July 28 that is open to parties with proven experience in implementing successful clean electricity projects generating 200 MW or larger.

What it’s about: The meeting, to be held at DOE headquarters in Washington, D.C., will focus on potentially leasing thousands of acres of DOE land for new emissions-free energy development, including nuclear energy, solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, clean hydrogen, and fossil resources that meet requirements with carbon capture and storage.

Energy secretary Jennifer Granholm and other DOE senior leaders will attend Industry Day to present the DOE’s vision for the initiative and share information on potential sites. Some of the policy and technical issues that will be discussed include DOE leasing authorities, National Environmental Policy Act requirements, and transmission challenges.

The DOE has identified approximately 40,000 acres of land that are potentially available for clean energy projects in Washington state (at Hanford), New Mexico (at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant), South Carolina (at the Savannah River Site), Idaho (at Idaho National Laboratory), and Nevada (at the Nevada National Security Site).

Looking ahead: Site-specific Industry Days at DOE sites will follow in the fall and winter. The DOE will solicit feedback from industry and communities in terms of interest in using DOE lands.

Further information about how to participate will be provided leading up to those events. The DOE will continue to communicate with industry, tribal nations, communities, stakeholders, regulators, and others on developing the necessary measures to launch clean energy projects on DOE land.

Official posting: Notice of the DOE's Industry Day appeared in the June 30 Federal Register.

For more information, contact the DOE's Craig Zamuda at 202–586–8645 or

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