Top Honors Awarded During the ANS Utility Working Conference

Retired Entergy CEO Mike Kansler
Retired Entergy Nuclear CEO Mike Kansler garnered industry recognition at the 2010 American Nuclear Society's Utility Working Conference on August 9, 2010. Kansler, a 30-year industry veteran who served at Entergy for nearly a dozen years, received the Utility Leadership Award. Given only to industry leaders, Kansler's achievements in his career earned him this national utility distinction.
Kansler led efforts to improve plant performance while decreasing outage times, implement a continuous improvement program across all sites, and standardize operations while building fleet culture. The award was presented to Kansler for his tireless efforts and the forward vision he has shared with the nuclear industry. "My philosophy has always been to learn methods, trade resources, and share experiences between the plants to benefit the fleet and the industry overall," said Kansler.
Arkansas Nuclear One Receives 2010 Plant Achievement Award for New Technology
Entergy's Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) nuclear power plant, in Russellville, Ark., was honored with the ANS 2010 Plant Achievement Award for Innovation and Breakthrough in New Technology for developing a new type of radiological shielding. ANO drove the development of a novel heat-resistant radiation-shielding material made of tungsten and iron metal powder immersed in a silicone polymer that attaches itself using imbedded magnets. As a polymer material, this duct-tape-like shielding becomes form-fitting with ease and is remarkably effective. The ability to cut the shielding with scissors or knives allows for a "field fit" that works exceptionally well around obstructions.
Whether using the tape to plug small areas or custom cutting a sheet to cover significant areas next to the reactor wall, the ANO innovation offers versatility as well as radiation protection. The radiation protection team at ANO then took the innovation a step in another direction by creating a personal shielding tungsten vest. Using the new radiation shielding has resulted in ANO achieving higher levels of safety and worker efficiencies.
Dominion Resources' Kewaunee Power Station Receives 2010 Utility Achievement Award
Dominion Resources' Kewaunee nuclear power plant, in Carlton, Wis., won the ANS 2010 Utility Achievement Award for Outstanding Performance in Plant Operations. Kewaunee was recognized for demonstrating outstanding performance in operations as the top performing plant, and as the plant showing the most improved and sustainable performance in overall operations. Kewaunee achieved a 100 rating from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations for the latest period of evaluation and received 10 green ratings last year---nine in reactor safety and one in radiation safety---from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A green rating is the highest rating possible.
ANS Leadership Awards
The ANS Operations and Power Professional Division established the Utility Leadership Award in 1994 to recognize an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and has contributed greatly to the success of the nuclear industry.
The ANS Operations and Power Professional Division established the Meritorious Performance in Operations Award in 1984 to recognize and honor outstanding achievement in the field of nuclear reactor operations. The recipient may be a team or an individual. The award is intended for licensed and unlicensed personnel who comprise an active part of the operation of a nuclear facility and who have performed these duties in an exemplary manner.
The Society established the Utility Achievement Award in 1994 to recognize the commercial nuclear power plant(s) that demonstrate outstanding achievements in performance. This award is also administered by the ANS Operations and Power Professional Division.