Bulgaria, Ukraine to cooperate on nuclear energy

The energy ministries of Bulgaria and Ukraine have announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding to expand collaboration in the energy sector, including the nuclear energy sector.
A message from Goodway Technologies
Ensuring Safety and Cleanliness: The Crucial Role of Industrial Vacuums in Nuclear Power Facilities
The energy ministries of Bulgaria and Ukraine have announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding to expand collaboration in the energy sector, including the nuclear energy sector.
Trump suggests U.S. takeover of Zaporizhzhia plant in Ukraine-Russia ceasefire talks
Meanwhile, Russian-backed media report Ukraine is responsible for ZNPP strikes
Amid recent ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine, President Donald Trump suggested the U.S. should take control of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants for long-term security, the Associated...
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Fires extinguished at Chernobyl following drone strike
Ukraine’s State Emergency Service has finally gained full control over a blaze that started February 14 after a drone struck the protective dome over the destroyed reactor from the 1986...
Penn State and Westinghouse make eVinci microreactor plan official
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Prepare for the 2025 Nuclear PE Exam with ANS guides
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IAEA: Chernobyl drone strike latest threat to nuclear safety in Ukraine
Social media this past weekend streamed with reactionary posts following a drone strike last Friday at the site of the destroyed reactor from the 1986 Chernobyl accident. The drone—armed...
“Summer time” again? Santee Cooper thinks so
South Carolina public utility Santee Cooper and its partner South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) called a halt to the Summer-2 and -3 AP1000 construction project in July 2017, citing...
A series of firsts delivers new Plant Vogtle units
Southern Nuclear was first when no one wanted to be. The nuclear subsidiary of the century-old utility Southern Company, based in Atlanta, Ga., joined a pack of nuclear companies in the early...
Westinghouse’s lunar microreactor concept gets a contract for continued R&D
Westinghouse Electric Company announced last week that NASA and the Department of Energy have awarded the company a contract to continue developing a lunar microreactor concept for the Fission...