New members for NRC’s ACRS needed

July 10, 2023, 3:02PMNuclear News

There are two open positions on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS). To fill these positions, the NRC is looking for candidates who have extensive experience in nuclear reactor safety issues—especially in the engineering and safety aspects of new light water and non–light water reactor designs and technologies, or in similar areas of nuclear reactor and fuel cycle safety.

Submit resume: Any individual who is interested in applying for one of these positions should submit a resume by October 5 to Sandra Walker, ACRS, Mail Stop T2B50, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001. Resumes may also be submitted via email.

About ACRS: The ACRS is a group of experts that provides independent advice to the NRC on the safety and security of existing and proposed nuclear facilities, proposed reactor safety standards, and radiation protection and radioactive waste management. Terms last four years, and there is no limit on the number of terms that can be served.

Candidate criteria: The NRC is requesting that applicants have “at least 20 years of education and broad experience and a distinguished record of achievement in one or more areas of nuclear science and technology or related engineering disciplines.” Individuals with nuclear safety experience in industry, academia, laboratory, or regulatory backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The NRC will evaluate applicants based on their “education and experience, demonstrated skills in nuclear reactor safety matters, the ability to solve complex technical problems, and the ability to work collegially on a board, panel, or committee.” The commission will also consider “the need for specific expertise to accomplish the work expected to be before the ACRS.”

More info: Additional candidate criteria for these positions can be viewed in the Federal Register.

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