Entergy’s WIN chapter honored for promoting nuclear science

March 15, 2023, 3:00PMANS Nuclear Cafe

The Women in Nuclear chapter at Entergy Nuclear has been recognized by the U.S. WIN organization as the “most reactive” for its educational outreach efforts conducted during last year’s Nuclear Science Week.

The annual award recognizes significant achievements in promoting nuclear science in the community. U.S. WIN chapters are judged on the number of activities held during Nuclear Science Week, the number of participating WIN members, the number of individuals and public sectors reached, and the variety of topics covered.

“Earning this recognition took a team effort, everyone pulling in the same direction towards excellence,” said Tamara May, Entergy Nuclear senior project control specialist and fleet president of Entergy’s U.S. WIN chapter. “I am proud of every member of WIN for their engagement and contributions. We have high goals for the future, and I’m confident we’ll achieve those working together.”

Chapters and outreach: Entergy has a WIN chapter at each of its four nuclear power plants—Grand Gulf, in Port Gibson, Miss.; Arkansas Nuclear One, in Russellville, Ark.; River Bend, in St. Francisville, La.; and Waterford, in Killona, La.—as well as at its headquarters in Jackson, Miss.

Chapters from all five sites participated in 2022 Nuclear Science Week, with some putting on multiple events. Among the outreach efforts:

  • Nuclear- and STEM-related activities and giveaways for visitors at the Mississippi Children’s Museum hosted by WIN volunteers from Entergy Nuclear’s Echelon headquarters.
  • STEM Day and National Science Day events at the Grand Gulf plant for girl scouts, gifted students, and students ranging from junior high through early college.
  • A STEM Fair hosted by the River Bend plant in conjunction with the local library and students at West Feliciana High School for students at Bains Lower Elementary.
  • Nuclear Science Days at Russellville Middle School held by the Arkansas Nuclear One plant’s WIN members for hundreds of sixth- and seventh-grade students.
  • A STEM Fair hosted by the Waterford plant for K-12 students.
  • Nuclear advocacy letters to Mississippi legislators from Entergy Nuclear headquarters employees.

In all, the chapter efforts reached nearly 2,000 schoolchildren, teachers, parents, legislators, and other community members.

“We’re thankful for all of our chapters’ hard work and amazing outreach during the 2022 National Nuclear Science Week,” said Jennifer Watkins, Nuclear Science Week lead for the U.S. WIN communications committee. “Through their efforts, thousands of people experienced various nuclear science topics via discussions, presentations, virtual platforms, and on-campus outreach booths.”

About: U.S. WIN is an organization of individuals who work in nuclear energy and technology fields in the United States. Its vision is to position the nation for the future of nuclear energy and technology through the advancement of women.

Nuclear Science Week, held annually the third week in October, is an international weeklong celebration of nuclear science and technology.

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