Candidates announced for the 2023 ANS national election

November 2, 2022, 3:00PMANS News

With the national midterms coming to a close, the last word members want to hear is "election"—but at least the annual ANS election won't result in unending political adverts on our televisions. As one election cycle ends, so another begins. The candidates for the ANS 2023 election have been named to fill eight open positions, with terms beginning in June 2023, following the Annual Meeting. The national positions open are for vice president/president-elect, treasurer, four directors, one student director, and one non-U.S. director.



Candidates for the one-year term as vice president/president-elect are Jeff King and Lisa Marshall. King, an ANS member since 2001, is the director of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Center at the Colorado School of Mines. Marshall, an ANS member since 2005, is the director of outreach, retention, and engagement at North Carolina State University.

The elected candidate will succeed current ANS Vice President/President-Elect Ken Petersen when Petersen becomes president.



The candidates for a two-year term as treasurer are Harsh Desai and Dave Pointer. Desai, an ANS member since 2011, is the chief commercialization officer at Zeno Power. Pointer, an ANS member since 1996, is the section head of advanced reactor engineering and development at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The elected candidate will succeed the current two-term treasurer, Art Wharton, in June.

ANS members elected to the Board of Directors serve three-year terms that begin and end during ANS annual meetings. In the 2023 election, there are four U.S. director-at-large positions and one non-U.S. director-at-large position to be filled.

The following are the ten candidates nominated to fill the four U.S. director-at-large positions:

  • Brad Adams, vice president of technical compliance at Vogtle (Southern Company).
  • Kelsey Amundson, R&D engineer in advanced nuclear technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • Jeff Bradfute, vice president of Americas fuel delivery at Westinghouse.
  • Jean-Francois Lucchini, radiochemist and transuranic waste manager at LANL.
  • Lon Paulson, manager of nuclear criticality safety function at General Electric Hitachi.
  • Mark Peters, executive vice president for laboratory operations at Battelle.
  • Laura Scheele, Versatile Test Reactor communications director at Idaho National Laboratory.
  • Temitope Taiwo, director of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Janelle Wharry, associate professor of materials engineering at Purdue University.
  • Leigh Winfrey, dean of the School of Engineering at Maritime College, State University of New York.

Nominated for the one non-U.S. director-at-large position are Fausto Franceschini, consulting engineer at Westinghouse (Italy), Han Gyu Joo, professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul University (Korea).

The nominees for the open student director position, a two-year term, have yet to be announced; the Student Sections Committee will put forth two candidates at the upcoming Winter Meeting to be listed on the 2023 ballot.

Directors with terms ending in June 2023 are Lori Braase, Anna Erickson, Richard Lagdon, John Mahoney, Luc Van Den Durpel, and Amanda Bachmann.

The Nominating Committee for the 2023 election was chaired by immediate past president Steve Nesbit and included Local Sections Committee chair Marty Sattison, Professional Divisions Committee chair Deborah Hill, Kati Austgen, Lane Carasik, Kevin Clarno, Katherine Goluoglu, Leah Parks, and Ishita Trivedi.

Members may also nominate candidates by petition for officer and director vacancies. Acceptable petitions must contain the original signatures of 200 or more ANS voting members, have the nominee’s written consent, and reach ANS headquarters no later than January 9, 2023.

Ballots for the 2023 election will be sent electronically on Tuesday, February 21, 2021, and must be submitted by 1:00 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.

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