Webinar on Oak Ridge National Laboratory

August 11, 2020, 4:23PMANS News

ANS and the Young Members Group are offering the next installment of the “Spotlight on the National Labs” webinar series, featuring Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The webinar takes place on August 12, starting at 1:30 p.m. (EDT).

Registration for the webinar is required.

History: Established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, ORNL is now the largest Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, with more than 5,200 employees. The lab’s Graphite Reactor is the world’s first continuously operated nuclear reactor.

Insights: Panelists will offer insights into the nuclear science occurring at ORNL. A subject highlighted will be the lab's pursuit of the Transformational Challenge Reactor, the world’s first additively manufactured nuclear reactor. Other discussion topics will be the work on developing modeling and simulation tools, moving reactor technologies forward, discovering new elements, and advancing the long-term vision of viable fusion energy.

- Thomas Zacharia, ORNL Director
- Alan Icenhour, Associate Laboratory Director, Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Rose Montgomery, Group Leader, Used Fuel Systems
- Kurt Terrani, Program Director, Transformational Challenge Reactor
- Tara Pandya, Nuclear Engineer
- Dianne Ezell, Electrical Engineer
- Clarice Phelps, Nuclear Chemist
- Elijah Martin, Plasma Physicist

Moderator: Sarah Camba Lynn, ANS Young Members Group Secretary

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