New advanced LWR standard available from ANS

August 12, 2022, 12:08PMANS News

The American Nuclear Society has recently published a new standard:

ANSI/ANS-30.3-2022, Light Water Reactor Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Design.

The standard is available for purchase from the ANS Store.

Scope: The 53-page standard establishes requirements for using risk-informed, performance-based (RIPB) methods for advanced light water reactor designs. RIPB methods are provided to ensure that nuclear safety design practices are consistently applied to all new advanced LWR reactor technologies, specifically, high-level safety criteria selection, nuclear safety functions and margin, licensing-basis event selection and acceptance criteria, equipment classification and categorization, defense-in-depth adequacy, and evaluating conformance with regulatory positions.

The application of ANSI/ANS-30.3-2022 to existing reactors is beyond the scope of the standard.

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