American Nuclear Society supports IAEA’s condemnation of attack on Ukraine nuclear power plant

August 6, 2022, 2:31PMPress Releases

Statement from American Nuclear Society President Steven Arndt and Executive Director and CEO Craig Piercy:

"The American Nuclear Society joins the International Atomic Energy Agency in condemning the shelling of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on Friday that disconnected a transmission line at its electric substation switchyard.

According to Ukraine, there has been no damage to the reactors themselves and no radiological release.

We echo the IAEA in its calls for an immediate halting of military firepower directed at or from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. It is unjustifiable for a civil nuclear facility to be used as a military base or be targeted in a military operation. Heavy weaponry must be removed at once from the Russian-occupied nuclear power plant and surrounding area.

All parties must adhere to the framework of the IAEA for ensuring the safety of nuclear facilities and personnel in Ukraine, including the Seven Pillars outlined by IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi.

The American Nuclear Society condemns reports of violence and abuse against the Ukrainian staff operating the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant under Russian military occupation. Our colleagues at Zaporizhzhia must be able to carry out their work without interference. Threats against plant staff jeopardize both their personal safety and the safety of the plant.

We support IAEA’s calls to be given immediate access to the Zaporizhzhia facility and to plant personnel. Impartial IAEA inspectors are needed on-site to ensure nuclear safeguards are being respected and to verify the well-being of workers, repairs and maintenance. It is the interest of everyone for the IAEA to inspect the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant."

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