Revive the LMFBR

July 25, 2022, 11:46AMANS Nuclear CafeClark Gibbs
A rendering of the Clinch River breeder reactor project.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Nuclear Society.

To provide a place for constructive conversation and exchange of ideas, I have built the website There, interested persons will find a description of the liquid metal fast breeder reactor technology and an outline of its history. The site is intended for an audience already generally familiar with light water reactors—but most particularly, it is meant to encourage comments so that the community can identify a pathway for deployment of LMFBRs through a conceptual design and institutional approach that draws upon collective experience, recent innovation, and re-visitation of approaches previously considered that have been long lying dormant. The website is also intended to suggest areas where further creative thought could be directed to improve the economic and operational performance of the LMFBR concept to make it highly competitive with LWRs.

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