ANS joins global NICE Future initiative

February 26, 2020, 11:40AMANS News

The American Nuclear Society was formally accepted as a Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future (NICE Future) initiative partner organization in January, joining ten countries and 14 partner organizations to direct the global conversation about the roles nuclear energy can play in clean energy systems of the future.

“ANS is thrilled to be a member of the NICE Future initiative,” said Executive Director/CEO Craig Piercy. “NICE is an important forum for governments and nongovernmental organizations alike to amplify the role of nuclear in global decarbonization efforts.”

ANS President Marilyn Kray sent a letter to team members of the NICE Future initiative lead countries in December 2019, detailing how ANS’s mission and programs align with those of NICE Future and requesting that NICE Future formally accept ANS’s support and collaboration on shared goals.

The NICE Future initiative is led by the United States, Canada, and Japan through the Clean Energy Ministerial, an international platform dedicated to accelerating the deployment of integrated energy systems that maximize the use of all non–carbon-emitting sources. NICE Future was created in 2018 at the ninth Clean Energy Ministerial to move nuclear energy from traditional, nuclear-only forums to broader, cross-sector discussions about clean energy at the governmental level.

NICE Future offers webinars on nuclear and clean energy topics. The ANS Young Members Group is collaborating with NICE Future and others to present a free webinar on the future of microreactors on March 25 at 2 p.m. EDT. Register today.

More information about ANS’s participation in global nuclear policy is available

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