ANS to host webinar on clean electric grid on Wednesday

Join ANS for the panel discussion, What will a clean U.S. electric grid look like in 2035? at 1:30 p.m. (EDT) on Wednesday. Register now for the free virtual event.
Join ANS for the panel discussion, What will a clean U.S. electric grid look like in 2035? at 1:30 p.m. (EDT) on Wednesday. Register now for the free virtual event.
Constellation pilot program invites customers to source nuclear power
Constellation is launching a pilot program that allows its Washington, D.C., customers to purchase 100 percent nuclear energy for their homes....
Insights from the NRC’s Annie Caputo
In a one-on-one interview with the American Nuclear Society’s chief executive officer/executive director Craig Piercy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission commissioner Annie Caputo shared her...
New edition of IAEA’s Climate Change and Nuclear Power available
The 2024 edition of Climate Change and Nuclear Power has been released by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The 99-page report focuses on the need for a significant increase in...
Liftoff report lifts the lid on cost and risk in push to nth-of-a-kind reactors
The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear report that was released in March 2023 by the Department of Energy called for five to 10 signed reactor contracts for at least one reactor...
NSUF awards 19 Rapid Turnaround Experiments
The Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy has awarded 19 experimental proposals access to Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) under the 2024 “third call” for Rapid...
DOE awards first Super Rapid Turnaround Experiments for nuclear energy tech
The Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy for the first time has awarded access to Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) for Super Rapid Turnaround Experiments (RTEs). The 13...
Experts needed for National Academies workshop on new nuclear investments
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is forming an ad hoc committee to hold a two-day workshop titled “Pathways for New Nuclear Development” and is open to...
IAEA’s updated Milestones for nuclear-curious nations include a focus on SMRs
The IAEA’s Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power was last revised back in 2015. Now, about nine years later and amid a resurgence of interest in...
DARPA wants to bypass the thermal middleman in nuclear power systems
Nuclear power already has an energy density advantage over other sources of thermal electricity generation. But what if nuclear generation didn’t require a steam turbine? What if the...
America’s voting public shows inertia on climate change, but nuclear support is up
A new report based on what its authors call “the definitive American public opinion surveys on climate change and the environment” has found a statistically significant increase in the...