Join ANS's watch party for a virtual field trip into outer space

May 18, 2021, 3:00PMANS News
Photo: NASA, ESA, and STScI

Help ANS celebrate the launch of our newest virtual field trip, “Nuclear Frontiers: Powering Possibility,” by attending tomorrow's online watch party!

The virtual field trip explores the amazing ways that nuclear science is fueling earthly innovation and deep space exploration. The field trip video, which was made available earlier this month, is part of ANS’s Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World program The Navigating Nuclear program, which was started in August 2018, has already reached more than 1.5 million K-12 students.

Register now for the watch party for the virtual field trip, to be held tomorrow, May 19, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. (EDT).

Who’s participating: Following the viewing, ANS President Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar will be joined by several special guests, including some of the key participants in Nuclear Frontiers, for a brief Q&A.

Panelists scheduled to attend are Melinda Higgins, of the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy; Franklin Chang-Diaz, NASA Hall of Fame astronaut and chief executive officer at Ad Astra Rocket Company; Candace Davison, assistant director for education and outreach in the Radiation Science and Engineering Center at Penn State University; and David Poston, leader of the compact fission reactor design team at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Higgins, Davison, and Poston are ANS members.

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