ANS names Annual Meeting award winners, new Fellows

The American Nuclear Society has named the recipients of six awards that will be presented during the 2021 ANS Virtual Annual Meeting, which begins on June 14. The Society has also named eight new Fellows, who will be honored during the opening plenary session.

Kristine L. Svinicki, ANS member since 1988 and former chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in recognition of three decades of leadership and service in meeting the clean energy needs of the global community.

Jose N. Reyes Jr., ANS member since 1977 and cofounder and chief technical officer of NuScale Power, in recognition of revolutionizing 21st century nuclear power with the design of an innovative passively cooled, NRC-licensed small modular reactor.

Steven A. Arndt, ANS Fellow and member since 1981 and Distinguished Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in recognition of his exemplary leadership and lifelong dedication to efforts that advanced a wide range of technical and policy initiatives that improved nuclear safety standards across the industry.

Harsh S. Desai, ANS member since 2005 and senior manager at the Nuclear Energy Institute, in recognition of his outstanding leadership and extraordinary contributions to the American Nuclear Society.

Nicholas R. Brown, ANS member since 2006 and an associate professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee—Knoxville, in recognition of his technical leadership in advancing the safety case for accident tolerant fuel and cladding and in paving the way for the licensing of advanced nuclear reactors.

Paul K. Romano, ANS member since 2005 and a computational scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, in recognition of his leadership in advancing the state of the art and breadth of the impact of computational nuclear engineering.

Robin W. Grimes, professor at Imperial College London (U.K.), in recognition of his seminal contributions to the application of atomistic simulation techniques to predict governing phenomena in nuclear materials including fuel performance and the radiation tolerance of ceramic waste forms.
For making advanced nuclear energy systems a reality: Going beyond promotion toward deployment

D. V. Rao, ANS member since 2015 and program director for civilian nuclear at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in recognition of advancing small reactor deployment opportunities by designing new space reactors, microreactors, and moderating material for low-enriched uranium fuel.

Bradley J. Adams, ANS member since 2009 and vice president of engineering at Southern Nuclear Operating Company, in recognition of his outstanding technical leadership in nuclear engineering and plant operations. His hard work and vision have produced significant contributions to both nuclear operations and construction. He has become a major industry leader in guiding and addressing the most critical issues facing the long-term health and success of the entire U.S. nuclear fleet.

William E. Burchill, ANS past president (2008-2009) and member since 1970 and retired head of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University, in recognition of developing one of the earliest complete analyses of the thermal-hydraulic phenomena during the Three Mile Island-2 accident. He improved the models for nuclear power system performance and accident simulation. He upgraded probabilistic risk analysis tools and introduced significant improvements in the application of risk-informed licensing practices.

Mark B. Chadwick, ANS member since 2011 and deputy associate director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, in recognition of his leadership in the United States of nuclear cross section evaluations leading to improved simulation performance across the range of nuclear applications; renowned contributions to modeling of plutonium fission; international leadership in nuclear science and technology; and substantial and enduring individual technical contributions to the nuclear enterprise.

Stuart A. Maloy, ANS member since 1999 and a deputy group leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in recognition of his outstanding accomplishments and leadership in radiation materials science and engineering. His expertise in microstructural analysis and interpretation of atomic-scale defects on changes to macroscopic-scale properties of metals underpins the development of innovative materials needed for spallation neutron sources, advanced fission and fusion reactors, and other energy applications.

Robert P. Martin, ANS member since 1990 and safety analysis methods lead at BWX Technologies, in recognition of his sustained and significant technical contributions to the state-of-the art research in modeling nuclear power plant behavior during design basis and beyond design basis accident scenarios that made it possible to increase efficiencies and power levels at operating nuclear power plants.

Kathryn A. McCarthy, ANS member since 1988 and associate laboratory director of fusion and fission energy and science at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in recognition of her outstanding leadership, both nationally and internationally, leading to the advancement of fission reactor systems and fusion technologies.

Todd S. Palmer, ANS member since 1993 and a professor of nuclear science and engineering at Oregon State University, in recognition of his sustained contributions to the advancement of methods and algorithms for computational radiation transport impacting critical software assets at the National Nuclear Security Administration and nuclear energy national laboratories, and their innovative application in the analysis of high-energy density and reactor physics systems.

Monica C. Regalbuto, ANS member since 2003 and ANS member since 2003 and director of nuclear fuel cycle strategy at Idaho National Laboratory, in recognition of her exceptional contributions to the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste management mission by developing and demonstrating innovative nuclear energy technologies that have significantly advanced the scientific, engineering, policy, and regulatory aspects of the nuclear enterprise.