Statement from the American Nuclear Society on the announced departure of NRC Chairman Kristine Svinicki

January 5, 2021, 1:52PMPress Releases

On behalf of America’s nuclear professionals, we thank Chairman Kristine Svinicki for her service and leadership at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

During her tenure as Chair, Svinicki led efforts to transform the NRC into a more effective, efficient and transparent agency through innovative regulatory reforms. Her leadership ensures that the NRC continues to play a vital role in the future of America’s largest carbon-free energy resource.

Chairman Svinicki galvanized the NRC to develop a technology-inclusive regulatory framework for licensing advanced nuclear reactor designs. These efforts will help facilitate and accelerate the deployment of the next generation of American-designed nuclear technologies at home and abroad.

In November 2020, ANS honored Svinicki with a Presidential Citation award for transforming the NRC during the COVID-19 pandemic into a world leader in demonstrating adaptive, flexible, and innovative approaches to nuclear regulation without compromising safety.

We are grateful for Chairman Svinicki’s service, and urge the incoming Biden administration and the 117th Congress to nominate and confirm a qualified replacement in a timely manner.

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