
The candidates for a two-year term as treasurer are Ray Klann and W. A. “Art” Wharton III. Klann, ANS member since 1991, is a senior scientist and group lead in the National Security Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Wharton, ANS member since 2004, is a vice president at Studsvik Scandpower. Wharton, currently serving as treasurer, is running for a second term.
ANS members elected to the Board of Directors serve three-year terms that begin and end during an ANS Annual Meeting. In the 2021 election, with the recent change to ANS Bylaws to add a Young Member director, there are four U.S. director-at-large positions and one U.S. Young Member director-at-large position to be filled.
The 10 candidates who have been nominated to fill four U.S. director-at-large seats are Harsh Desai, Nuclear Energy Institute; Julie Ezold, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Jess Gehin, Idaho National Laboratory; Kathryn Huff, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jeff King, Colorado School of Mines; Stephen LaMont, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jean-Francois Lucchini, Los Alamos National Laboratory; John Mahoney, High Expectations International; Jessika Rojas, Virginia Commonwealth University; and Tracy Stover, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.
Nominated to run for the U.S. Young Member director position are Benjamin Holtzman, Nuclear Energy Institute, and Catherine Prat, Westinghouse Electric Company.
Directors with terms ending in June 2021 are Harsh Desai, Miriam Kreher (student director), Thomas Remick, Rebecca Steinman, Paul Wilson, and Akio Yamamoto.
The Nominating Committee for the 2021 election was chaired by Immediate Past President Marilyn Kray and included Local Sections Committee Chair Shikha Prasad, Professional Divisions Committee Chair Deborah Hill, Andrew Klein, Kathy McCarthy, David Pointer, Andrew Sowder, and Rebecca Steinman.
Members may also nominate candidates by petition for officer and director vacancies. Acceptable petitions must contain the original signature of 200 or more ANS voting members, have the nominee’s written consent, and reach ANS headquarters no later than January 11, 2021.
Ballots for the 2021 election will be sent electronically on February 22, 2021, and must be submitted by 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.