Seven new ANS Fellows named
American Nuclear Society Fellows hold the highest grade of membership in the Society. The following new Fellows will be recognized on November 16 during the opening plenary session of the 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting.

David L. Aumiller, ANS member since 1995 and senior advisor at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory, for innovative and significant contributions to the development, verification, qualification, and application of advanced nuclear reactor safety analysis methods and codes; increased fundamental knowledge of thermal hydraulic processes; and the development of advanced code coupling methodologies.

J. Rory Kennedy, ANS member since 2003 and director of the Nuclear Science User Facilities at Idaho National Laboratory, for transforming the way research and development for nuclear fuels and materials is conducted. His influence, leadership, and tireless advocacy for researchers have had a significant impact on the global nuclear energy enterprise.

Karen Vierow Kirkland, ANS member since 1990 and a nuclear engineering professor at Texas A&M University, for significant research contributions in two-phase flow, condensation heat transfer, and severe accident phenomena in nuclear reactors to improve the understanding of nuclear reactor performance, reactor safety, and severe accident management strategies, and for contributions to the education and professional mentoring of university students.

David J. Kropaczek, ANS member since 1992 and director of the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for the innovative development and application of computational methods to solve nuclear fuel cycle optimization problems for pressurized and boiling water reactor systems, including the first-of-a-kind application of large-scale combinatorial optimization techniques related to the design of fuel assemblies, core loading patterns, operating strategies, and multicycle planning.

Evelyn M. Mullen, ANS member since 1988 and chief operating officer of global security at Los Alamos National Laboratory, for ensuring the nation’s criticality experimental capability and for leadership in the field of nuclear national security.

Lin Shao, ANS member since 2007 and professor of nuclear engineering at Texas A&M University, for his contributions to the understanding of fundamental radiation materials science and the development of accelerator ion beam techniques, and for his contributions as an educator and mentor to nuclear engineering students.

Michael L. Zerkle, ANS member since 1981 and senior advisor at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory, in recognition of distinguished and influential original research, advocacy, and scientific contributions in the development of specialized reactor physics methods incorporated into advanced reactor design, meticulous and expert validation of national nuclear data libraries, and the development of innovative thermal neutron scattering evaluation methods for advanced moderators using first-principles atomistic modeling.