Salary growth rate for nuclear engineers among highest
Nuclear engineers have the second-fastest growing salaries among six-figure earners, according to a recent study from AdvisorSmith, a business insurance resource company.
Nuclear engineers have the second-fastest growing salaries among six-figure earners, according to a recent study from AdvisorSmith, a business insurance resource company.
WM Symposia launches STEM educators’ council
WM Symposia (WM), which hosts the Waste Management Conference every year in Phoenix, Ariz., has launched a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Educators’ Council to...
Six months into my ANS presidency, the pace has been hectic yet good. I’ve taken nearly two dozen trips to student and local chapters; companies; and various regional, national, and...
STEM event empowers next generation of women leaders in science
Nearly 60 eighth graders from schools across the central Savannah River area recently gathered at the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center in Aiken, S.C., for the Savannah River Site’s...
NNSA funds projects to expand MSI Partnership Program
The Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP) of the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration has recently awarded seven federal grants to projects...
WM Symposia launches STEM Educators’ Council
WM Symposia Inc., the nonprofit organization that hosts the annual Waste Management Conference in Phoenix, Ariz., has launched a new initiative dedicated to supporting educators in the fields...
A brief overview of ANS STEM outreach efforts
Nuclear science and technology is uniquely positioned to be a gateway for curiosity and exploration for students in grades K–12. Its study examines the literal fabric of reality, it has...
Strong performances across the board
Another year, another stellar performance by America’s nuclear plants. We’ve come to expect high capacity factors, and it’s a credit to the men and women of the profession. They’ve...
SRMC funds STEM scholarships for Voorhees University
Savannah River Mission Completion (SRMC), the liquid waste contractor at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site, recently presented a $10,000 check to Voorhees University to fund...
Winthrop University personnel visit SRS
Faculty and staff from Winthrop University recently toured the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site as part of a workforce development partnership....
NEDHO diversity panels inspire and raise awareness
The Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO) has been sponsoring Diversity Panels since October 2022, when the inaugural meeting was hosted by the University of Tennessee...