Are the Tides Turning for Advanced U.S. Nuclear?

January 31, 2019, 6:01AMANS Nuclear CafeDoug Hardtmayer

RadioNuclear.orgWelcome to the New Year!  Even though I am on the road, there is just so much happening lately in nuclear I could not pass up the opportunity to talk about it! This episode of RadioNuclear, we take a look at recent and exciting legislation and policy for advanced nuclear. This includes the passages of the NEIMA and NEICA bills and what the Idaho National Laboratory may look like in the coming years. We also discuss the NRC's recent decision on post Fukushima regulation. Lastly, we look on how you can adopt a dog from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. No, I am not making that up!

Our interview this week is with Mr. Wesley Deason, a nuclear systems engineer at Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation. He tells us about nuclear in space applications as well as the upcoming ANS Nuclear and Emerging Technology for Space Conference (NETS) at Discovery Hall in Richland, WA. The conference will take place from February 25-28.  Keep an eye on the ANS Facebook page as portions of this meeting are planning to be livestreamed.

Listen to the newest episode of RadioNuclear here.

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