Attend the ANS Annual Meeting and Help Lead the Nuclear Industry to a Prosperous Future

May 21, 2018, 2:13PMANS Nuclear CafeDaniel Carleton

From June 17-21, the American Nuclear Society will be hosting its Annual Meeting. This year's event will be held in Philadelphia, Pa., where leaders from across the nuclear industry, government, and academia will share their expertise in hot-topic technical sessions and panel discussions.

The meeting also features social networking events to craft your interpersonal business skills, and technical tours to get a first-hand look at state-of-the art facilities run by Holtec International and PSEG Nuclear. For those of you who intend on playing a role in securing a bright future for the nuclear industry, the Annual Meeting offers the ideal tools and information to carry out your efforts. The knowledge gained from the panel sessions can greatly enhance your professional work, the networking contacts made can bolster your career opportunities, and the ideas you express can help our industry achieve prosperity. Now is the time to get involved. Seize the opportunity!

This ANS Meeting is your chance to learn from some of the best in the industry. Panel sessions include talks given by experts in advanced nuclear technologies, advocacy, nuclear policy, education, and more. As a professional, it is important to continue learning throughout your career and stay up-to-date on the most recent developments in the industry. This event is an opportunity to break from your everyday routine to learn from a variety of new perspectives. Applying the knowledge gained from these sessions can be of great value to your everyday work and will enhance your ability to play a role in securing a prosperous clean energy future.

To help lead any industry to prosperity, people skills are essential. With its numerous social events, the Annual Meeting is an opportunity to help craft your networking skills by getting in front of your industry colleagues. Development of your networking skills requires practice and experience which can be gained by attending events at ANS Annual.

Make your voice heard! The Annual Meeting is the ideal setting to express ideas. Is there a nuclear technology you think deserves greater recognition? Are there approaches to nuclear advocacy that you think would help reach a greater audience?  Are there technical standards you believe should be developed to expedite the deployment of a specific nuclear technology? ANS encourages its members to express creative and new ideas to address the nuclear industry's challenges. Expressing your thoughts at events like ANS Annual will get you the attention of some of the most influential people in our industry. Great ideas are not meant to be kept to ourselves. Successful implementation of ideas requires support from your fellow colleagues. Feedback received can enable you to craft a stronger message or possibly lead you to developing new and better ideas. Now is the chance to get your idea out there and to make a name for yourself. Wayne Gretzky said it best, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

It's no secret that the nuclear industry faces many difficult challenges today. Meeting these challenges not only requires one to be informed with the most up-to-date knowledge on the most important topics, but it also requires expressing bold and creative ideas while receiving constructive feedback. ANS Meetings are the ideal setting to express these ideas while enhancing your career. Nobody else can make your idea a reality except you. Take the initiative, break from your everyday routine, and register for the ANS Annual Meeting today.

When at the meeting, tweet using #ANSMeeting.

Daniel Carleton has worked as a Project Manager for Terrestrial Energy USA since 2014. He is a member of the ANS Communications Committee, Social Media Team, Treasurer-elect of the Education, Training, and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD), and is leading the revitalization effort of the NY Metro Local Section. Daniel has a bachelors degree in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is currently pursuing a second bachelors degree in Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology at Thomas Edison State University.

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