Nuclear Energy Blog Carnival 237
It's time for the 237th Nuclear Energy Blog Carnival, and this time it's right here at the ANS Nuclear Cafe. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday week, the contributions are slightly reduced in number compared with the usual, but what there is packs a punch. Let's get to it!
Neutron Bytes - Dan Yurman
Breaking: India' PM Modi Seeks to Change Nuclear Liability Law
The measure is strangling both domestic and global investment for India's nuclear energy program. The nation's plan to build 63 GWe of nuclear generating capacity is stalled out. Modi proposes fixed liability and an insurance pool to bring nuclear firms and investors back to the table.
Bounces and Blips in European Nuclear Investment Plans
It is hard to blame nuclear reactor vendors for being both bullish and skeptical about the prospects for new reactors in Europe. The outlook for the future of nuclear energy in Europe depends on what country you are in, and sometimes, which government is in power.
The Hiroshima Syndrome - Les Corrice
Fukushima Child Thyroid Cancer Issue (Updated)
The previously posted page has been updated to include summaries of articles posted 5/20/14, 10/9/14, and 11/30/14. We can now say, with a high degree of confidence, that none of the child thyroid cancers discovered in Fukushima Prefecture since 3/11/11 were due to the nuclear accident's radiation release.
Yes Vermont Yankee - Meredith Angwin
Support Nuclear - Email the EPA Today!
Email the EPA by the end of Monday, December 1 to make your voice heard on the Clean Power Rule.
Send your comment to the EPA; here's mine!
Meredith Angwin sent her comment to the EPA on its Clean Power Rule. She invites you to do that too, and provides her comment as an example.
Forbes - Jim Conca
Net Energy Metering - Are We Capitalists, or What?
Whether net metering of energy is good or bad depends upon whether you're the owner of rooftop solar arrays who sees it as necessary to encourage solar installations and decrease residential loads, or a utility company that sees this as giving rooftop owners a free pass on their fair share of maintaining the electric grid like everyone else does. As usual, it's somewhere in between, and any adverse effects on the grid should not be felt for years, giving us a bit of time to work out the best system to employ net metering.
Atomic Insights - Rod Adams
Is Chernobyl Still Dangerous or was 60 Minutes Pushing Propaganda?
There is no reason to fear Chernobyl. The area is recovering; people who live and work nearby are healthy. The haunting images of abandoned cities and villages depict damage that has occurred as a result of the evacuation, not as a result of the accident -- which caused no physical damage outside of the plant itself.
However, there are deepening political tensions in Ukraine. There are reasons to remind people that the Soviet Union fell, and to remind them that the Soviet Empire was responsible for the accident.
Atomic Show #227 - Carmen Bigles, Coqui Radiopharmaceuticals
Coqui Radiopharmaceuticals is a startup company founded in 2009 with a laser focus on solving a problem affecting the health of tens of thousands of people. The founder, Carmen Bigles, noticed that many of the patients arriving at her clinic had not been properly diagnosed and discovered that the reason for that condition was an insufficient supply of molybdenum-99 to provide technetium-99 for diagnostic nuclear medicine. She recognized that the problem was a solvable one and believed that she had the experience and ability to build a team capable of producing a long-term solution.
That's it for the 237th Carnival. THANK YOU to all of our authors who took the time to write, and to submit, their posts.