ANS Winter Meeting 2014 - What you Need to Know
• What - American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting 2014
• Where - Disneyland Resort, 1313 S. Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, California 92802
• When - November 9-November 13, 2014
The ANS Winter Meeting for 2014 (which also features a Nuclear Technology Expo) is fast approaching-and as with all of these big, national meetings there may be a lot of questions that attendees would like to have answered in one central place. We've done that homework for you.
REGISTRATION: Click here to access the ANS Meetings page for registration. Keep in mind that October 14 is the last day for discounted registration, and the last scheduled day to reserve rooms.
RESORT: The venue is the wonderful, completely remodeled original 1955-vintage Disney California resort hotel. All basic information you might want about the hotel can be found at this official Disney link. There is also a dedicated "events" page that Disney has set up with some further links; click here to see it.

Disneyland Hotel, site of the 2014 ANS Winter Meeting. Photo ©Disney and used by permission.
AIRPORTS: The closest airport to the Disney venue is John Wayne Airport, Orange County (identified as SNA).
GETTING AROUND: The page linked here is an official page set up by the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor and Convention Bureau on transportation opportunities in the area.
FOOD: In addition to the varied assortment of establishments inside the Disney resorts perimeter (see "RESORT" link above), there are many more available outside. The Anaheim/Orange County Visitor and Convention Bureau has also set up a page on dining in the area; click here to see it. The AOCVCB pages have a number of other useful links available, so make sure to explore those-they include coupons and deals.
COMMUNICATION: It is well known that even with the best of schedules, things can change during meetings. For those purposes it's helpful to remember the following:
• ANS has a Facebook Event Page that will be used to broadcast changes. Facebook users can also communicate with each other on that page to network during the meeting week.
• ANS will use its Twitter account (look for @ans_org) to communicate during the meeting-both live-tweeting various events and photos, but also broadcasting any changes of rooms, locations, or anything else generally useful. The official hashtag is #ansmeeting-this has been used for over a year for official ANS meetings.
MEETING SCHEDULE: As this post goes to press, the schedule is still preliminary and does NOT include exact room locations for various sessions. We will update this post later with that link when it's available.
Keep in mind that there will be plenty of ways to find out what you need to know on site from both ANS staff and Disney staff; that said, please don't miss the opportunity to bookmark this post (or even make an icon on your smart phone) so that you'll have all these links handy before you even leave home.
We'll observe the "comments" section for specific questions not answered in the material above. We hope to see YOU there!