Recognizing that ANS student members make up about one-third of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Technical Group, the NNTG along with the Isotopes and Radiation division are also hosting a student showcase during the ANS Winter Meeting on Wednesday, November 13, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Through poster presentations, this session will highlight the individual research of 25 undergraduate and graduate students from 12 universities and six national laboratories in the field of nuclear security and nonproliferation.
In addition, there will be 11 technical sessions on nonproliferation topics following the opening plenary:
- University Programs for Nuclear Security Education-I
- University Programs for Nuclear Security Education-II: Highlighting the Nuclear Security Education Network
- University Programs for Nuclear Security Education-III: Building the International Workforce
- Nuclear Security-National and International Needs
- The Role and Importance of Nuclear Policy
- Nuclear Energy Development in the Middle East and North Africa: Strategies for Security, Safeguards, and Nonproliferation-I
- Nuclear Energy Development in the Middle East and North Africa: Strategies for Security, Safeguards, and Non-proliferation-II
- Uranium Management and Impending Conversion Needs in the United States
- Technology Challenges and Solutions
- Tools for Nuclear Nonproliferation
- Holistic Nuclear Security: Culture at Every Level
The location of this topical meeting in the nation's capital gives ANS members a unique opportunity to interact with policymakers on important issues in nuclear security. The technical sessions include a variety of speakers and panelists from each aspect of the nuclear field. The meeting will provide a forum for discussing important nonproliferation issues with professionals from both government and the nuclear industry. The industry is growing worldwide and it is ever important that ANS members are aware of issues regarding international safeguards, export controls, nuclear security, and growing energy needs around the world.
All ANS members, not just those in the NNTG, are invited and encouraged to attend this topical meeting. There is no extra charge to attend if you register for the ANS Winter Meeting. The early registration deadline is October 25, 2013.
If you have questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out to the General Chair, John Gunning, or either co-Technical Program Chairs, Jeff Chapman and Chris Robinson.

Lenka Kollar is a nuclear engineer at Argonne National Laboratory and an active member of ANS, serving on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Technical Group Executive Committee, Student Sections Committee, and Professional Women in ANS Committee. She is an active participant in nuclear science outreach in the Chicago area and co-founder of the I'm a Nuke campaign.
Visit Lenka at and follow her on Twitter @lenkakollar. Lenka Kollar does not officially represent Argonne and all opinions are her own.