Carnival of Nuclear Energy 170

August 18, 2013, 4:09PMANS Nuclear CafeWill Davis

ferris wheel 202x201ANS Nuclear Cafe is proud to host the 170th edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy - a rotating feature that showcases the best pro-nuclear blogs and authors each week in a single, easy to access compilation.  Contributions are volunteered by the authors, with the exception of "Captain's Choice" picks that the Carnival host makes from time to time.  With that, let's get to this week's posts!

This week, a paper was published that was authored by a graduate student - studying policy - detailing supposed dire security concerns at US nuclear plants.  There was even some misleading information that could have led casual readers to believe the paper was sponsored by the Department of Energy.  Professionals in the nuclear field who read the paper saw right through it, but James Conca stepped up to the plate and provided an excellent and much-needed public rebuttal.

Forbes - James Conca

"Anyone Can Write a Story About Nuclear Terrorism"

Jim Conca responds to a widely reproduced and quoted paper which at first take portrays the security situation at US nuclear plants as risky, but which falls apart very quickly upon examination.

Canadian Energy Issues - Steve Aplin

Keystone fight approaches criticality: TransCanada's biggest clean asset stays critical

TransCanada Inc., the favourite pinata of green fashionistas because of its proposal to build the Keystone XL pipeline, is a partner in running the Bruce nuclear plant-the biggest clean energy centre in the western hemisphere. As the fight over Keystone gains intensity, Steve Aplin of Canadian Energy Issues comments on the spectacle of Keystone opponents encouraging greater use of natural gas, a carbon-heavy fossil fuel, in electric power generation. Aplin notes that many of the same Keystone opponents would celebrate if not just the Bruce plant but all nuclear plants were running on natural gas instead of nuclear-even though this would put far more carbon pollution into the air than the pipeline."

The Hiroshima Syndrome - Leslie Corrice

"A Suggested Answer to Fukushima's Wastewater Question"

The wastewater buildup problem at F. Daiichi could be solved by setting up a closed loop.  The decontaminated turbine building waters could be sent back to the basements rather than to above-ground storage tanks.  This would provide several benefits and cause no additional problems.

Nuke Power Talk - Gail Marcus

"Irradiated Food:  The Case for More"

At Nuke Power Talk, Gail Marcus comments on a recent NRC blog, which in turn used the latest large-scale case of food poisoning (from lettuce imported from Mexico) to point out the safety and value of food irradiation.  Gail repeats some of the health statistics associated with food contamination, which are truly startling, and goes on to make the case for the use of irradiation in our food processing.  She does strike a cautionary note when she recounts the long history of efforts to increase the use of irradiation (including an ANS-centered effort), and hopes that incidents like the latest one will help some people see the light.

ANS Nuclear Cafe

"Court Finally Rules on Yucca Mountain's NRC License Review"

After a year-long wait, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on

August 13 to grant a writ of mandamus on behalf of petitioners, ordering

the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to resume a review of the Yucca

Mountain nuclear waste repository.

Robert L. Ferguson, one of the citizen petitioners in the case, writes

on the ruling and what it means for the future of high-level waste

policy in the United States.

"Power Play: People, Politics, Electricity, Nuclear"

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled on August 14 that

Vermont legislators acted improperly in efforts to close the Vermont

Yankee nuclear power plant.

Howard Shaffer provides an overview and update of a busy summer of

energy-related activism, political maneuverings, grid and energy issues,

and of course events related to the Vermont Yankee plant - which

continues to go on providing most of the clean energy in the Green

Mountain State through it all.

"Fukushima Daiichi:  Current Hurdles, Options, and Future Expectations"

News coming out of Japan continues to be bad concerning the Fukushima Daiichi site - although much of the news is really hyperbolic and erroneous.  The bigger story is the Japanese people's increasing mistrust of, and lack of faith in, TEPCO.

Will Davis provides the best and latest information on efforts at the site to halt the inflow and outflow of contaminated water as well as whether it's getting into the ocean (it isn't.) He also covers the decommissioning of the plant, and future options for this major project.

Yes Vermont Yankee - Meredith Angwin

"Vermont Yankee Wins in Federal Appeals Court"

Did the Vermont legislature try to regulate nuclear safety? Well, they did write a law that specifies how the fuel rods must be arranged in the fuel pool. Background, quotes, and more.

Next Big Future - Brian Wang

"Husab Uranium Mine"

Update on uranium mines.  Husab is gearing up for full 7500 ton per year production in 2017.  The Haggan mine is still pushing forward, and Tanzania is heading toward 14000 tons per year.

"Nuclear Energy Roundup:  Russia has Big Ambitions"

More nuclear power will allow Russia to export more oil and gas, and government plans call for nuclear energy to amount to 25 percent of the domestic energy market by 2030, up from 16 percent (currently produced by 33 reactors.)  Russia has nine reactors under construction, making it the world's second busiest market behind China.  ROSATOM head Sergey Kiriyenko has predicted that China will soon become Russia's main competitor on the global nuclear energy market.

NewsOK Science and Technology - Robert Hayes

"Environmental Radiological Contamination"

Robert Hayes explains radiological contamination, varied levels of risk, and points out that if it weren't for potassium, which is radioactive, we'd all be dead.  A solid, brief, no-hype look at our radioactive world.

NEI Nuclear Notes

(ANS Cafe note:  Will Davis, in assembling the Carnival for ANS this week, has made a "Captain's Choice" and included posts from NEI Nuclear Notes, with the blessing of Eric McErlain of NEI.)

The recent publication of a paper questioning the security of nuclear plants in the United States has already been mentioned at the top of this Carnival posting.  Not surprisingly, the Nuclear Energy Institute has also responded in an official capacity as representing the US nuclear industry, with both a descriptive blog post (first link) and also a post that links to an official NEI Statement on the topic.

"A Fresh Perspective on Nuclear Plant Security"

"NEI responds to NPPP Report on Security at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants"

Atomic Power Review - Will Davis

"Russian Nuclear Sub Decommissioning - Sayda Bay"

In what has developed into a brief series covering decommissioning of nuclear submarines, Will Davis takes a look at the massive improvements that have been made in the situation regarding Russian nuclear submarine decommissioning and notes similarities to the US Navy's long-running program.

That's it for this week's Carnival.  Thanks to all of the authors who submitted posts in this very busy week for nuclear advocates!


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