Focus on Communications Workshop at ANS Annual Meeting

June 13, 2013, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Location: Learning Center

Changing the Nuclear Conversation: What it Takes to Develop Effective Messages for the Public and Policy Makers

Developing effective messages means understanding your audience and then finding ways to communicate with them in ways that they can hear, relate to and support. In this always-popular workshop, ANS Washington Rep Craig Piercy and PCG Managing Partner Mimi Limbach will provide an update on changes in the Washington DC scene - a key audience - along with recent research on public perceptions of nuclear energy.

As workshop participants enjoy refreshments, Mimi and Craig will discuss a proven approach to developing messages that work, and engage participants in developing messages that will help positively reshape the conversation about nuclear energy. If you want to learn and share tips and techniques for communicating about important nuclear issues, in an interactive, interesting and fun session - this workshop is for you.

Sponsored by ANS's Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information

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