Ten posts this week cover a very wide range of topics that include, among others, a lesson on the handling of risk communication, carbon trading in China, laser uranium enrichment, and why having nuclear plants in our back yards isn't such a bad thing.
Each week, a new edition of the Carnival is hosted at one of the top English-language nuclear blogs. This rotating feature of nuclear "posts of the week" represents the dedication of those who are working toward a future of energy abundance through nuclear science and technology.
Past editions of the carnival have been hosted at Yes Vermont Yankee, Atomic Power Review, ANS Nuclear Cafe, NEI Nuclear Notes, Next Big Future, Atomic Insights, Hiroshima Syndrome, Things Worse Than Nuclear Power, and EntrepreNuke.
This is a great collaborative effort that deserves your support. If you have a pro-nuclear energy blog and would like to host an edition of the carnival, please contact Brain Wang at Next Big Future to get on the rotation.