Nuclear Engineering PE Exam Workshop at June ANS Meeting

May 22, 2013, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Sunday, June 16, 2013

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: Learning Center

For American Nuclear Society members planning to sit for the nuclear engineering Professional Engineering exam, a professional development workshop, titled "Preparing for the Nuclear Engineering Professional Engineering Exam," will be offered on Sunday, June 16, at the ANS Annual Meeting in Atlanta.

nuclear engineers 160x120Instructors will provide details on how registering to take the exam differs from state to state, plus an overview of the examination formats. The four basic skill areas-nuclear power, nuclear fuel cycle, interaction of radiation, and nuclear criticality/kinetics/neutronics-will be discussed in detail. For each skill area, the instructor will describe the topics and the skills to be tested.

Examples of questions will be presented in depth, after which students will work other typical test questions on their own. Instructors will provide assistance, then review solutions with the group. Students will be provided with the ANS study guide, including a sample exam and a list of recommended resources for continued study.

nuclear engineer 1 168x120Join us in Atlanta for "Preparing for the Nuclear Engineering Professional Engineering Exam" at the June ANS meeting.

NOTE: If you are unable to attend the ANS meeting in June to participate in the workshop, you can order a copy of the PE study guide-as a downloadable PDF file-at the ANS Store.

Early Bird Special meeting registration and hotel reservation, with complimentary in-room internet, is available through this Friday, May 24.  Reduced rate for the PE Exam Professional Development Workshop is also available through May 24. There is no need to be registered for the 2013 ANS Annual Meeting to participate in this Professional Development Workshop.

Still not convinced? Former ANS Young Members Group Chair Jennifer Varnedoe explains the many good reasons to get your Professional Engineer license.

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