ANS Friday Nuclear Matinee: The Best Science Online
"The best science online" according to someone who really ought to know: Henry Reich, creator of MinutePhysics.
A message from General Atomics
Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cladding: Innovative Materials Enhance Fleet Safety and Performance
"The best science online" according to someone who really ought to know: Henry Reich, creator of MinutePhysics.
Show Engineering Love During EWeek, February 17-23
Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951, Engineers Week (EWeek), is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing...
Listen: ANS Member Dr. Christopher Morrison on Space Radiation & More
ANS member Dr. Christopher Morrison was a recent guest on The Space Show. Dr. Morrison covered space radiation, lifetime radiation limitations, legal limits, rodent GCR and radiation...
Today in History: Einstein Presented World with Famous Equation in Physics
Albert Einstein is one of the most well-known physicists throughout history. Among other things, he is also known for formulating the world-famous equation E=mc2, the equation that relates...
National Nuclear Science Week 2018 Kicks Off
This week is National Nuclear Science Week - an exciting week of learning, teaching and interacting on all things nuclear-related. (You can read about the history of National Nuclear Science...
Navigating Nuclear with Bob Fine and Dr. Eric Loewen
On Episode 12 of RadioNuclear, we discuss how fear-mongering stories about nuclear power plants in the path of a hurricane are irrelevant, the Oyster Creek Shutdown, and lastly, how nuclear...
Get to Know Nuclear with Nuclear Science Week 2016!
October brings many wonderful things each year, but of special interest to us is the annual National Nuclear Science Week (#NuclearSciWeek on social media) event which is intended to help...
TEPCO Updates on Fukushima Daiichi Conditions (with video)
Special ANS Friday Matinee edition by Will Davis...
ANS Friday Matinee - April 20, 2016
Our Friday Matinee for today is the latest of the excellent Vogtle Timeline videos produced by Georgia Power to document the construction progress of Vogtle Units 3 and 4. The series stands...
ANS Nuclear Cafe Friday Matinee - April 29
This week's Friday Matinee features an update on the construction progress at Plant Vogtle's Units 3 and 4, the new AP1000 units being built in Georgia. This is the First Quarter 2016 update...
ANS Friday Nuclear Matinee / February 5, 2016
This week's ANS Nuclear Cafe Friday Matinee features an update from South Carolina Electric & Gas on "A Year of Progress for V. C. Summer Units 2 and 3." These two AP1000 units are being...