The February issue contains a feature article on extended power uprates:
This issue also features news on the Department of Energy's new used fuel/high level waste strategy, and Renaissance watch: an update on developments that may lead to new power reactors. Other news in this issue:
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission hears arguments for and against filtered containment venting systems; one hearing request denied, another under review concerning issues at San Onofre; NRC commissioners briefed on status of Fort Calhoun, no restart target date set; challenges to Davis-Besse and Seabrook license renewals rejected; NRC to consider petition concerning solar flares; ASLB to hold hearing on Fermi-3 license application in late October or early November; Savannah River Site contemplates its role in spent fuel management; new firm chosen to manage Y-12 complex and Pantex Plant; regulators approve restart of South Korea's Yonggwang-5 and -6; Posiva submits final waste repository application to Finnish government; China begins construction of HTR-PM demonstration plant; construction begins on China's Tianwan-3; Australian minister delays decision on Wiluna uranium project; DOE announces education and infrastructure grants; radiation dose to astronauts on mission to Mars deemed tolerable; Toshiba acquires Nuclear Energy Holdings' interest in Westinghouse; NRC issues guidance for performing tsunami assessment. And there is much more.
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