The 140th Carnival of Nuclear Energy

Mon, Jan 21, 2013, 2:29AMANS Nuclear CafeWill Davis

ANS Nuclear Cafe is proud to host the 140th edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy.  This feature rotates between a number of pro-nuclear blogs, presenting each week the top posts as selected by the contributing authors or webmasters.  This week has a wide selection of authors and topics - a clear indication of the breadth of the pro-nuclear blogging community's interests, involvement and commitment.


Correcting a journalist's excessive pessimism about US nuclear industry prospects

This post was inspired by an article published in a Tampa, Florida newspaper about the efforts by Duke Energy and FP&L to build new nuclear power stations in Florida. The writer believes that the projects will never happen and that it is thus wrong to be charging current customers for the preparatory work required to obtain the necessary licenses and permits. Rod Adams offers an insider's view of the industry's current situation.

Atomic Show #195 - Health effects of low level radiation

Rod Adams interviewed Dr. Jerry Cuttler and Dr. A. David Rossin, two distinguished researchers about the health effects of low level radiation. Their research has led them to a different point of view about the Linear No-Threshold dose response assumption than the one that currently drives many regulations that govern the use of nuclear energy and radioactive material.


New Tokyo Regime Should Rethink Radiation Limits (January 18)

Irrational fear of radiation continues with respect to all Prefectures along the Tohoku coast and hinders the region's recovery from the 3/11/11 tsunami. The new Tokyo regime says they will "review" the energy policy of their predecessors. They should do the same with their forerunner's radiation standards.

NEI NUCLEAR NOTES  (Submitted by Eric McErlain)

All Aboard for the Neutron Express!  - NEI's Mark Flanagan takes a look at EDF's role in electrifying the UK's rail system.

Thanks, Patrick Moore - Dr. Patrick Moore, one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, decides to retire after six years as co-chair of the CASEnergy Coalition.

YouTubing Nuclear Energy from Congress - NEI's Mark Flanagan watches Rep. Erik Paulsen take a constituent's question about nuclear energy.

Nuclear Power Plant Response to the Cyber Threat - NEI Cyber Security guru Bill Gross outlines the actions the nuclear energy industry has taken to secure its critical infrastructure from online hacking.


To Reprocess or Dispose? - A Look at Fuel Cycle Triage  -  Is reprocessing the backlog of spent nuclear fuel a viable fuel cycle strategy compared to direct disposal? An ORNL study has surprising conclusions.

DOE's spent fuel strategy: Not a bang but a whimper  -  The DOE released their response to the Blue Ribbon Commission report on recommendations for U.S. nuclear waste management policy. If there's one thing the DOE report doesn't lack for, it's a surplus of ambition - particularly for the proposed timescales for a new geologic disposal facility.

YES VERMONT YANKEE - Meredith Angwin

Vermont Yankee: State Claims "Economic" Argument for Closing Plant

In federal court, the state had appealed against a favorable ruling for Vermont Yankee in a lower court.  The lower court ruling depended on the fact that nuclear safety is a preempted federal issue. So, in federal appeals court, the state claimed to be trying to shut down Vermont Yankee--not for safety, but for the economic good of the state. Vermont made this claim despite the fact that Vermont Yankee contributes greatly to the economic well-being of the state of Vermont.

Unique Request: Opponent Wants Vermont Supreme Court to Rule Before PSB Rules

In Vermont Supreme Court, the intervenor wanted the Supreme Court to shut down Vermont Yankee. The intervenor asked the Supreme Court to rule despite an active docket on Vermont Yankee at the Public Service Board.  In most cases, people go to the Supreme Court on appeal, not while a lower court or board is actively holding hearings. Asking for a higher court ruling while the lower court is in's a unique request.


The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant   -  A brief look at where WIPP is situated, what it deals with, and how it focuses on "safety, quality and regulatory compliance."


FANC Postpones Decision on Doel, Tihange Reactor Vessels   -  Belgian nuclear regulator FANC has pushed back a decision on whether or not to allow a restart of the Doel-3 and Tihange-2 reactor plants.  Instead, it has requested more information and analysis from experts.

ANS NUCLEAR CAFE (Submitted by Paul Bowersox)

Building Support for Uranium Mining in Virginia

A proposal to lift a uranium mining ban will be on the legislative agenda in Virginia this year, having been recommended by the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission.  Virginia resident Rod Adams addresses the economic benefits, environmental benefits, and arguments pro and con.  Also see the op-ed letter with Andrea Jennetta to Virginia Democrats

Nuclear Film Extravaganza

Will Davis reviews 4 recent and important nuclear energy documentaries, in a veritable nuclear film extravaganza -- one of which premiered at Sundance this weekend, "Pandora's Promise".  Thumbs up?  Five stars?  Come see.


New Russian Submarine  -   Yury Dolgoruky is a new-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine built by Sevmash shipyard for the Russian Navy. Constructed as the lead-submarine of the Project 955 Borei Class, Yury Dolgoruky is the first submarine launched by Russia after the Soviet era. In May 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defence placed a contract for the delivery of five new Project 955A Borei Class nuclear submarines. The Russian Navy plans to acquire ten new Borei Class submarines by 2020.

Newest design of US Navy submarine to incorporate silent drive, will not require refueling over life of ship - The heart of the planned ballistic missile Ohio Replacement (OR) program will be built around a drive that will not need to be refueled for the 50-year life of the boats and cuts out potentially noisy direct mechanical connection to the drive train. In other words, the Navy's next-gen subs could be almost silent, and keep running for a half-century straight. The Navy is developing an innovation that attempts to give 'OR' boomers the quietest nuclear engine yet by going to an electric drive.

(Submarine photo:  USS Tullibee, SSN-597, launched 1960.  This was the first of two very different US Navy nuclear submarines to incorporate turbo-electric drive.  Photo from official US Navy site

That's it for this week's Carnival. Please spread the word about the Carnival on your site or through your favorite social media venue.

Carnival 140 Post constructed by Will Davis.