#ANS12 Focus on Communications Workshop: TODAY, 4:30 PT, California Room
WHO: Anyone with an interest in communicating with policymakers about important nuclear issues
A message from General Atomics
Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cladding: Innovative Materials Enhance Fleet Safety and Performance
WHO: Anyone with an interest in communicating with policymakers about important nuclear issues
ANS asks Congress to fund EPA work on repository standards
The American Nuclear Society brought together 11 other energy and environmental advocacy organizations in calling on Congress to fund the Environmental Protection Agency to develop a new,...
Bill would eliminate public hearing requirement in nuclear licensing
A bill being considered in the U.S. Senate seeks to remove the requirement for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to hold a public hearing for every nuclear reactor application.Current law...
Nuclear News Daily Announcement from the American Nuclear Society
We at the American Nuclear Society strive to keep our members engaged and informed. In that spirit, beginning tomorrow, ANS will begin publishing its own daily newsletter—Nuclear News Daily....
Federal appropriations bills include $212 million hike in nuclear funding
New appropriations bills currently under review in the U.S. Congress include a significant funding boost for nuclear energy.This week, ranking members of both the U.S. House and Senate...
Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” at 70
Seventy years ago to the day, President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave his historic address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. (See December 2023 Nuclear News's “Leaders”...
ANS leads effort in asking Congress to update SNF disposal regs
The American Nuclear Society coordinated an effort with eight nongovernmental organizations in asking Congress to update the Environmental Protection Agency’s generic standards for the safe,...
NRC report published on nuclear security inspections
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has made public an unclassified version of its annual report to Congress on the results of its security inspection activities in 2022....
LA GRANGE PARK, Illinois – Idaho National Laboratory’s crucial Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) project is the focus of a newly released special issue of Nuclear Science and Engineering, the...
Craig Piercy discusses ANS response to war in Ukraine
The Association Forum recently highlighted the American Nuclear Society’s rapid response to the unfolding events in Ukraine earlier this year. Kim Kelly of the group’s Forum Magazine...
Deadline extended to apply for ANS's 2023 ANS Congressional Fellowship
The deadline for applications to the ANS's Glenn T. Seaborg Congressional Science and Engineering Fellowship has been extended. All ANS members are invited to apply to help the Society fulfill...