Elia Merzari (left), Argonne National Laboratory, accepting the Young Member Excellence Award from Paul Turinsky (right)
Dr. Xiaodong Sun accepting the Young Members Advancement Award for the ANS Thermal Hydraulics Division
Dr. Charles R. Martin accepting the Theos J. "Tommy" Thompson Award on behalf of William E. Vesely
Hisashi Ninokata (left) and John Luxat (right) accepting the THD Technical Achievement Award
Terry Kammash, University of Michigan, accepting the Seaborg Medal
Susana Reyes, LLNL, accepting the Mary J. Oestmann Professional Women's Achievement Award
Ronald Allen Knief, SNL, accepting the Robert L. Long Training Excellence Award
Candace Davison, Pennsylvania State University, accepting the Landis Public Communications & Education Award
Toshikazu Takeda (left), University of Fukui, promoted to ANS Fellow, presented by Michael Corradini (right)
John C. Wagner, ORNL, promoted to ANS Fellow
X. George Xu, RPI, promoted to ANS Fellow
Bojan Petrovic, Georgia Institute of Technology, promoted to ANS Fellow
Audeen Fentiman, Purdue University, promoted to ANS Fellow
Dr. Salomon Levy (left) accepting an ANS Presidential Citation from Michael Corradini
Hearty congratulations to these honors and awards recipients, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to advancements in nuclear science and technology.