Friday Nuclear Matinee: E=mc² is incomplete (!)

November 2, 2012, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc² explains, of course, why a nuclear power reactor can generate so much electricity in such a relatively tiny space, while using such a relatively tiny amount of fuel. Electricity from other forms of energy, say tidal or wind motion, sunlight, chemical bonds (burning things)... well, nuclear fission and fusion, thanks to E=mc², are definitely in their very own league.

But it may be surprising to learn that E=mc² isn't the whole story of Einstein's famous equation. What if an object has no mass (m) such as light, or the object is moving? MinutePhysics to the rescue!

And now get this: Henry Reich, creator of the MinutePhysics series (over 43 million views on YouTube), will virtually be at the American Nuclear Society's Winter Meeting in November at the San Diego Town and Country Resort. That is, he will be a distinguished virtual panelist during the "Telling the Nuclear Story Using Online Video and Broadcast" session-mark your calendars for Tuesday afternoon, November 13 at 2:30, in the Pacific Salon Three room at the resort.

And definitely... check out more of the amazing MinutePhysics series at the MinutePhysics youtube page.


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