Nuclear News’ 18th annual vendor/contractor issue

August 22, 2012, 6:00AMANS Nuclear Cafe

The August 2012 issue of Nuclear News is available electronically and in hard copy for American Nuclear Society members.

The issue contains a 128-page special section containing advertisements and "advertorial" information about products and services provided by companies serving the nuclear industry.

The August issue also contains a feature article on the International Atomic Energy Agency's reorganizing nuclear information services, and international news on the restart of Japan's Ohi reactors.

Additional news items covered in the August issue include Allison Macfarlane's swearing in as chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Duke-Progress merger closes curiously; extended power uprate approved for St. Lucie-1; invalidated NRC rules spur filing of new contentions in license renewal and reactor licensing proceedings; the Energy Information Administration sees growth of nuclear power to 2025, then decline; the NRC agrees with FENOC on cause of shield building cracks at Davis-Besse; final EIS for Watts Bar-2 delayed until December; bilateral effort to convert Russian research reactors to low-enriched uranium fuel moves forward; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Sequoia computer is world's fastest; Japan's Diet enacts bill to create new nuclear regulator; Czech utility ČEZ receives three bids for two new reactors at Temelín; the United Kingdom's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority considers options for managing plutonium stockpile; ASME certifies UAE's Emirates Steel for nuclear work; Hanford Site's N Reactor placed in safe storage; researchers at CERN's Large Hadron Collider may have found the Higgs boson (or not); R&D magazine's 2012 R&D 100 Awards recognize eight nuclear-related innovations; and much more, including editorials, events calendar, and regular monthly feature columns.

Past issues of Nuclear News are available here.


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