Piercy talks with E&E about the nuclear community and ANS

April 22, 2020, 8:14AMANS News

An interview with ANS Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer Craig Piercy is featured on E&E News’ EnergyWire online publication. Piercy discussed issues facing the nuclear community, including COVID-19 challenges at power plants, the role of nuclear in the future, and politics on Capitol Hill.

On safe refueling during COVID: “It is the testament to the planning that goes into these refueling outages and the manpower that is brought to the tasks. . . . Every industry is faced with the challenge of how do you overlay social distancing onto the processes that they already have. . . . These are essential workers. These plants are providing clean energy.”

On the future of nuclear: “I believe that the future is very bright for nuclear, but it requires a better public understanding and public acceptance of the technology. . . . And that's certainly an area where ANS is going to be looking to have greater impact.”

On the politics of nuclear: “I think that nuclear power resonates with centrists and with pragmatists. Climate really, at the end of the day, is a math problem.”

Find Piercy’s full interview with E&E reporter Edward Klump at E&E news.

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