Looking up: The 2025 NETS conference

March 21, 2025, 12:00PMANS News

The American Nuclear Society’s Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS 2025) conference will take place May 4–8 in Huntsville, Ala. Registration for the meeting is now open, and the Huntsville Marriott at the Space & Rocket Center is also taking room reservations for attendees.

The details: The conference will highlight the latest advancements in space nuclear systems, with a particular focus on new and emerging technologies to further exploration capabilities and provide a forum for individuals from NASA, national laboratories, industry, and academia to discuss field developments.

Plenary session speakers: The conference organizers have scheduled distinguished plenary session speakers from government, industry, and academia, including the following:

  • Craig Piercy, Executive Director/CEO, American Nuclear Society.
  • Michael Barrett, director of the Space Flight Systems Directorate, NASA Glenn Research Center.
  • Kurt Polzin, chief engineer, NASA Space Nuclear Propulsion Office.
  • John Horack, inaugural holder of the Neil Armstrong Chair in Aerospace Policy, Ohio State University.
  • Travis Knight, chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina.
  • Dale Thomas, professor of systems engineering, University of Alabama–Huntsville.
  • Koroush Shirvan, professor of nuclear science and engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Joseph Miller, president, BWXT Advanced Technologies.
  • Georgette Alexander-Morrison, vice president, capture and proposals, X-energy.
  • Christina Back, vice president, nuclear technologies and materials, General Atomics.

Learn more: All the details on the conference’s agenda and speakers, as well as information on becoming a sponsor or exhibitor, can be found on the NETS 2025 page on the ANS website.

Additional ANS events: Check out other upcoming ANS meetings and virtual events.

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