Prepare for the 2025 Nuclear PE Exam with ANS guides

March 4, 2025, 3:00PMANS News

The next opportunity to earn professional engineer (PE) licensure in nuclear engineering is this fall, and now is the time to sign up and begin studying with the help of materials like the online module program offered by the American Nuclear Society.

Speaking to the value of ANS encouraging professional licensure, Joshua Vajda, member and past chair of the ANS Professional Engineering Examination Committee (PEEC), said, “Emphasizing the importance of obtaining nuclear credentials is a Society initiative to maintain high ethical standards in the industry and to provide career advancement for the next generation of young practicing nuclear engineers.”

Register now: Registration is now open for the next nuclear engineering PE exam, which will be administered nationwide on October 8, 2025. The deadline to register varies by state, but applications are generally required by June. You can access your state’s specific requirements on the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website.

Study aids: ANS volunteers have developed multiple study aids to help prepare engineers who are interested in becoming licensed in nuclear engineering. Primary among these, the Nuclear PE Exam Preparation Module Program is a comprehensive, video-based online program containing over 130 10-minute tutorials (modules) that map directly to the NCEES nuclear engineering PE exam specifications list, organized by area:

  • Specification Area 1: Radiological Analysis and Consequences
  • Specification Area 2: Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • Specification Area 3: Nuclear Systems and Components
  • Specification Area 4: Reactor Physics and Criticality Safety
  • Specification Area 5: Safety Analysis

Each specification area’s material can be purchased individually, or the entire program can be purchased at a discount.

Handy sites: For more information about the nuclear engineering PE exam, visit ANS’s PEEC website and NCEES’s homepage for the exam. Exam takers may also be interested in ANS's Study Guide for the Professional Engineering Examination In Nuclear Engineering, which is also available for purchase. Plus, NCEES offers a set of example problems with fully worked solutions, a sample of which can be found here.

Exam takers must brush up on a wide range of material, so now is the time to start studying. Taking advantage of ANS’s materials can help you succeed and earn valuable P.E. licensure.

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