STUK on track to issue statement on Finnish repository this year

January 28, 2025, 9:25AMRadwaste Solutions
The site of the Onkalo deep geological repository in Finland, with the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in the background. (Photo: Posiva)

Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) stated that if everything goes well, it can complete the assessment of the operating license for the country’s deep geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel “well before the end of the year.”

STUK was expected to issue an opinion on Posiva’s application for the Onkalo repository by the end of 2024. The authority, however, announced in December that it was delaying issuing a statement on the repository’s safety case until 2025, saying that Posiva’s license application material was not yet ready. A favorable opinion and statement to Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment by STUK is required before an operating license can be granted.

Posiva, which is responsible for the final disposal of spent fuel generated by Finland’s Loviisa and Olkiluoto nuclear power plants, has been running trial tests of Onkalo’s encapsulation and disposal facilities, located near Olkiluoto in southwestern Finland.

Final stages: According to STUK project manager Antti Tynkkynen, the authority is already in the final stages of assessing the operating license.

“STUK has already received and processed a large part of the material, and we have been able to start preparing the safety assessment,” Tynkkynen said. “Once we receive the rest of the needed material and the clarifications we have requested, the assessment can be completed, and the statement prepared quickly.”

Tynkkynen added, “A lot does also depend on Posiva’s own schedules and whether they will make further changes to the final disposal systems.”

The assessment: In a statement made on January 23, STUK said that in reviewing Posiva’s application, the authority has paid special attention to the operations of Posiva’s organization and how ready the company is to start final disposal. STUK said, from its point of view, there are still scheduling pressures evident in Posiva’s operations that may cause them to progress even if the plans or requirements of the nuclear sector have not been fully considered.

As part of the safety assessment, STUK assesses the readiness of Posiva’s organization in beginning the repository’s operation phase. STUK said it has enhanced supervision to ensure that the organization meets the defined safety requirements and prerequisites.

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