How can the nuclear community forge a path to publish that upholds both open research and export control policies?

Open research publications, popular in life sciences, promote the sharing of knowledge, data, and scientific findings. ANS’s journal portfolio published in partnership with Taylor & Francis have seen an increase in conflicts between export control and open research policies. The principles behind open research publishing clash with export control policies designed to safeguard national security and prevent the proliferation of sensitive technologies and information. The tension between open research and export control policies highlights the need for careful consideration and collaboration between governments, research institutions, and the scientific community. Finding a balance between national security interests and the promotion of open knowledge-sharing is crucial to addressing these issues effectively while fostering innovation and global scientific collaboration.


  • Paul Wilson (Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering and University of Wisconsin-Madison‘s Nuclear Engineering Department Chair)
  • Kathryn Huff (Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy, DOE)
  • Margaret Harding (President at 4 Factor Consulting, LLC)
  • Jamie Hutchins (Taylor & Francis)
  • Anna Erickson (Georgia Tech)

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