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Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Crud Buildup Locations in Pressurized Water Reactors

3:15–3:35PM EST

Aidan Furlong (NCSU), Farah Alsafadi (NCSU), Lauren Kohler (NCSU), Xu Wu (NCSU), Scott Palmtag (NCSU), Andrew Godfrey (ORNL), Stanley Hayes (Duke Power)

Nuclear Data Uncertainty Reduction Through Bayesian Assimilation for Advanced Reactor Safeguards Modeling

3:35–3:55PM EST

Andre Vidal Soares (Penn State), William Walters (Penn State)

BWR-ComodoNet: Correction Model for Diffusion Solver Based on Neural Networks

3:55–4:15PM EST

M.R. Oktavian (Purdue), J. Nistor (Blue Wave AI Labs), J.T. Gruenwald (Blue Wave AI Labs), Y. Xu (Purdue)

Time-Series Classification Using LSTM to Identify Anomalies in Nuclear Reactor Data

4:15–4:35PM EST

Zachery Dahm (Purdue), Konstantinos Vasili (Purdue), Konstantinos Gkouliaras (Purdue), Vasileos Theos (Purdue), William Richards (Purdue), Stylianos Chatzidakis (Purdue)


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