What does high-quality K-12 nuclear science education look like, and how can it address workforce challenges throughout the nuclear industry?
K-12 nuclear science and technology education plays an important role in providing students with fundamental academic enrichment. It can also, when done well, increase student interest in nuclear careers and help ensure a robust nuclear workforce. With the Department of Energy stating that a tripling of the nuclear workforce by 2050 is necessary to adequately address future energy demands, the field must look strategically at the role K-12 nuclear science education plays in drawing new individuals into the field. This session will address the connection between high-quality nuclear science education and the future nuclear workforce, as well as provide ANS members with tools they can employ to have an impact on students within their own communities.
- Lisa Marshall (ANS VP/President-elect & Assistant Extension Professor, NC State University)
- Arielle Miller (Technical Advisor, NEI, Professor, Marymount University and UDC)
- Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Past ANS President, Associate Dean College of Science and Engineering & Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Idaho State University)
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