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Electrochemical Studies of Actinides in Molten Salt and Aqueous Media in Support of Nuclear Material Management

10:00–10:20AM EST

Bethany Kersten (Case Western Reserve Univ.), Rohan Akolkar (Case Western Reserve Univ.), Christine E. Duval (Case Western Reserve Univ.)

Analysis of Neutronic Parameters Using MCNP 6.2 for the Molten Salt Irradiation Facility at the PULSTAR Reactor

10:20–10:40AM EST

Matthew Schweitzer (NCSU), Ming Liu (NCSU), Austin Wells (NCSU), Nick Poole (NCSU), Nina Colby Fleming (NCSU), Ayman I. Hawari (NCSU)

Heat Transfer Performance of a Wire-Wrapped Sodium Fast Reactor Fuel Rod Simulator

10:40–11:00AM EST

Nicholas J. Thoreson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Mathieu Martin (TerraPower), Mark H. Anderson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)

Optical Basicity Determination of Molten Halide Salts

11:00–11:20AM EST

K. Buttice (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), A. Couet (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), R. Gakhar (INL)

Demonstration of Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectroscopy in Molten Salts

11:20–11:40AM EST

Davis Bryars (NCSU), Alexander W. Bataller (NCSU)


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