There is growing appreciation of the role that clean, reliable, always-on nuclear energy must play in America’s clean energy future. Large light water reactors are being constructed around the world and two units are approaching operation in Georgia. Much of the new reactor focus in the U.S., however, is on new, innovative reactor technologies. Private companies working in cooperation with the Department of Energy and supported by our national laboratories and universities are developing small modular reactor and advanced non-light water reactor designs. The reactor is not the end of the story, however. Each reactor requires a reliable supply of high-quality nuclear fuel to sustain the outstanding plant performance we have come to take for granted from the nuclear industry. Many of the reactor designs use high assay low enriched uranium or HALEU – a class of fissile material that is not currently used in power reactors and for which the supply chain is still developing. Making sure the fuel is available when the reactors are ready to start up is an essential piece of the new reactor puzzle. Knowledgeable and influential speakers in the opening plenary will explore the key issues associated with the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle.
- Dr. Kathryn Huff is the acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy. Her office is instrumental in the deployment of new reactors as well as fuel cycle research and development.
- Dr. Monica Regalbuto is the lead for Idaho National Laboratory’s Fuel Cycle Strategy and is responsible for ensuring an adequate supply of advanced reactor fuel.
- Mr. John Kotek is the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Senior Vice President of Policy Development and Public Affairs and works to ensure that policies meet the needs of reactor developers and plant operators.
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