ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Nuclear Installations Safety
Devoted specifically to the safety of nuclear installations and the health and safety of the public, this division seeks a better understanding of the role of safety in the design, construction and operation of nuclear installation facilities. The division also promotes engineering and scientific technology advancement associated with the safety of such facilities.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Mar 2025
Jan 2025
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
April 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
U.K. program offers young people a look at nuclear careers
Nuclear Waste Services recently hosted a group of five teenagers for a week of exposure to real-world nuclear industry work environments at its facilities in Calderbridge, Cumbria, in northwestern England. The youth learned about career opportunities and leadership responsibilities at the company. They engaged with senior management and performed activities with several different NWS teams, including the environmental, waste characterization, cybersecurity, geological disposal facility grants, and human resources departments.
If you are attending the Decommissioning Environmental Science and Remote Technology 2021, we will require either proof of COVID-19 vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of arrival at the Washington Hilton Hotel.
ANS values the health and safety of all our members. We will continue to follow all CDC, State, City, and Hotel safety requirements in our efforts to provide you a safe environment as we gather again.
The server used by EventScan for uploading your vaccination information is the same type of server used by hospitals, surgical centers, and emergency clinics. Once uploaded, your vaccination information is stored on an encrypted HIPAA server during the information collection timeframe for laboratory purposes. The data is kept encrypted on the server until conclusion of the meeting, and all attendees receive notification of verification, by email through the secured system.
Your Presentation Schedule
Find your presentation(s) in the DESD/RRSD 2021 program. Search the Program by your name or the title of your summary or panel. Make sure there are no overlaps with any other obligations, including any Winter Meeting or AccApp sessions. If you have any overlapping sessions, contact the Program Specialist ( or 708-579-8253).
All summary presenters and panelists need to be registered for the meeting. For questions about registration, contact
Preparing for Your Presentation
Permission/Copyright Notice: By uploading presentation file(s), presenters give ANS permission to host and use the file(s) for the purpose of hosting DESD/RRSD 2021. Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) presentation files will not be made available to attendees. Only limited users (i.e., sessions chairs and organizers, ANS staff, and meeting administrators) will have direct access to these files for the sole purpose of displaying/broadcasting the presentations for the meeting. Presentations should not have copyrighted material included because the sessions will be recorded and viewable by meeting attendees at any time.
All abstract presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes, with 5 additional minutes for Q & A.
Register for the meeting and then log in to access the meeting platform’s administrative features. Click "Manage Your Papers” from the left-hand navigation bar. Here you will see all papers for which you are listed as a primary or presenting author. If you do not have "Manage Your Papers" access after registering and logging in, please contact or 708-579-8253 immediately.
The meeting’s PowerPoint template is provided on the meetings home page or here.
Download our zoom training schedule. (You must be a registered attendee to view this link).
Day of Your Presentation
You are responsible for presenting your summary at the scheduled time. If you cannot present your summary, a qualified and knowledgeable substitute should be selected by you to present the summary at the scheduled time. Failure to do so without proper cause and notification may result in your summary being withdrawn from the meeting proceedings and restrictions of future presentations. Before the meeting, inform the ANS Program Specialist and/or the meeting chairs of any changes in the status of your presentation.
Copyright Notice: ANS will publish all accepted summaries in the meeting proceedings. The summary submitted for the DESD/RRSD proceedings becomes the property of ANS and is subject to copyright and should not be shared without written permission from ANS. Under no circumstances should your summary be published in any other publication or any other ANS-sponsored meeting publication before presentation at DESD/RRSD 2021. Full papers (based on summaries) may be published elsewhere. However, under no circumstances should a full paper be published in any other publication before presentation at the ANS meeting. It is your responsibility to protect classified, export-controlled, or proprietary information.
A page charge is assessed for each summary published in the proceedings of the meeting. An invoice will be emailed to you.
Do not send or upload corrections to accepted summaries without first contacting the Program Specialist at or 708-579-8253 for approval. Only essential corrections will be permitted.
Other Questions?
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
Contact if you still have questions.
Additional Information for In-Person Presenters
Additional Information for Virtual Presenters
Additional Information for Panelists
Using “Manage Your Papers” and then “Attachments/Add a New Attachment,” you may upload your PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pdf) to the platform as a backup in case there are issues on the day of the presentation. To add your presentation, click “Add a New Attachment,” select the attachment type, add a document name, upload the file, and click “Add New Attachment."
On the day of your session, report to your Session Chair in the room assigned for your session (as listed on the ANS Winter Meeting Platform) 15 minutes before the start of the session. Bring your presentation (on a USB drive) to be loaded to the session room laptop. If you have not already done so, please provide the Chair with a brief biography.
Please limit your presentation to the time indicated on the ANS Winter Meeting Platform. This time includes a five-minute discussion period following the formal presentation of your paper.
Do not ask the Session Chair to reschedule your paper within the session. Many attendees schedule their attendance at various sessions in accordance with the times listed on the ANS Winter Meeting Platform.
Technical session rooms will have the following equipment:
Using “Manage Your Papers” and then “Attachments/Add a New Attachment,” upload your PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pdf) to the platform as a backup in case there are issues sharing your screen during your presentation. To add your presentation, click “Add a New Attachment,” select the attachment type, add a document name, upload the file, and click “Add New Attachment."
ANS will offer Zoom training; see above for link for schedule. All training sessions are open to all participants; you do not need to sign up in advance.
On the day of your session, login to your session via the red Join as a Presenter button assigned for your session (as listed on the ANS Winter Meeting Platform) 15 minutes before the start of the session. See screen shot below for an example of the login button. Be prepared to test your microphone and camera. You will be sharing your screen with your presentation. Please make sure your Session Chair has your biography ahead of time.
Virtual Panel Speaker Instructions
On the day of your session, login to your session via the red Join as a Panelist button assigned for your session (as listed on the ANS Winter Meeting) 15 minutes before the start of the session. See screen shot above for an example of the login button. Be prepared to test your microphone and camera. You will NOT have access to screen sharing. If you have any slides, please ensure your Session Chair has your slides ahead of time. Also provide your biography ahead of time.
Last modified November 19, 2021, 5:08pm EST