The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) was founded in July 2010 as a Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Innovation Hub with the mission to develop, apply, and deploy advanced modeling and simulation (M&S) technologies to address operational and safety performance challenges impacting the performance of the Light Water Reactor fleet. In 2018, a collaboration between DOE and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was initiated to evaluate the use of high-fidelity modeling and simulation tools in the regulatory environment. The primary objective of the program plan was the use of existing capabilities of CASL and the VERA code suite to demonstrate the potential benefits that advanced modeling and simulation can have in the NRC’s regulatory framework. This panel provides a detailed discussion of the DOE and NRC collaboration activities.


  • Lucas Kyriazidis (NRC)
  • Dave Kropaczek (ORNL)
  • Matt Bernard (NRC)
  • Andy Bielen (NRC)
  • Josh Kaizer (NRC)
  • Jason Hales (INL)
  • Bob Salko (ORNL)
  • Cody Permann (INL)
  • Matt Jessee (ORNL)

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