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Development of Materials for Accident Tolerant Fuels at GE
Raul B. Rebak (GE Research), Russ M. Fawcett (GE Power), Dan R. Lutz (GE Power), Andrew K. Hoffman (GE Research)
Evaluation of Constitutive Relationship for Silicon Carbide Cladding Material
Raphael Haftka (University of Florida), Ghatu Subhash (University of Florida), Bhavani Sankar (University of Florida), James Nance (University of Florida), Hemanth Thandaga Nagaraju (University of Florida)
Relationship between microstructural heterogeneity and variability in strength of SiCf/SiC
Ghatu Subhash (University of Florida), Raphael Haftka (University of Florida), Bhavani Sankar (University of Florida), Hemanth Thandaga Nagaraju (University of Florida), James Nance (University of Florida)
Development of an Innovative Sample Preparation Technique for Select Layers and Layer Interfaces of TRISO Particles
Isabella J. van Rooyen (Idaho National Laboratory), Scott C. McBeath (Idaho State University), Daniel P. LaBrier (Idaho State University), Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (Idaho State University), Tanner J. Mauseth (Idaho State University)
Compositional Impact and Microstructure Analysis of Niobium Additions to U3Si2
Elizabeth Sooby Wood (University of Texas San Antonio), Joshua T. White (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Geronimo Robles (University of Texas San Antonio)